Monday, June 21, 2010

Algeria and Rooney

Algeria tie vs. England was perceived as a big win for Algerian team, especially after a very difficult preparation period they went through for the World Cup. Most people were doubting Algeria ability to do anything in this World Cup.

Rooney said before the game that even if England played half of their effort, they can still win the game. I was watching the game listening to one of the most prestigious Arab commentators (Yousif Saif from Qatar). He mentioned Rooney comment may be 15 times during the game, and every time he was saying "Rooney, it even looks like even if you played more than 100% of effort, it is a difficult game to win".

History repeats itself with so many strong teams in the world, if you don't respect your opponent, you might not be prepared to give your best during the game.

I was shocked after the World Cup draw that English papers and channels were celebrating "the very easy group" in the World Cup. I kept debating with many people, that all three teams won't be an easy catch. Now England still searching for its first win in the group.

For the history, Arab best one game ever victory in all times was in 1982 when Algeria beat Germany 2-1 in the first game. That time Germany had best player in Europe for two years in a row, they were the European Champs for 1980, and a strong World Cup favourite together with Brazil.

Paul Brietner said before the game, that even if they played with thier suits and ties they will still beat Algeria. 

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